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        Location:Xinzhouyuan Bearing > Company Profile

        Based in Wuxi Xishan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xinzhouyuan Precision Bearing Co.,Ltd is specialized in the production of precision bearings (high precision grade of P2, P4 and P5), paired bearings and universal matching bearins and provision of relevant maintenance service. These bearing s are mainly used as matching products to replace the like imported bearings for application to machine tool spindles, CNC machine tools, machining center, etc. Covering a factory building area of 1700 square meters, the company is set up by a group of retired engineers and technicians from the Precision Plant, a branch of Harbin Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd, and now employees 38 people, including 4 senior engineers, and operates 42 sets of major equipment as well as 10 sets of main testing equipment.

        Based on the traditions of Harbin Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Xinzhouyuan Precision Bearing Co.,Ltd has made many technological breakthroughs in product design, manufacturing processes and testing methods of bearing products. Especially its universal machining bearings, the assembly precision of which has been controlled winthin 1 micron, and mass production is also available.

        Xinzhouyuan Precision Bearing Co.,Ltd also has its own characteristics in the development, design and manufacturing of non-standard bearings, and has launched a variety of special-purpose high-precision bearings. Take the harmonic reducer flexible bearing for example, the precision level of which has reached P4 and above, and the radial runout can be controlled in less than 3 microns. Cross roller bearings for machines compare favourably with similar imported products on aspects of rotating flexibility and clearance, thus can be used as perfect substitute products for imported products.

        Xinzhouyuan Precision Bearing Co.,Ltd has established a sound quality management system and operated it effectively. This means that new steps have been taken for integration with international standards on management level without losing its own features in product sales and after-sales service. The company is willing to work with all industry peers to contribute to the revitalization and development of China’s machine tool industry.
        Copyright©2013 Wuxi Xinzhouyuan Precision Bearing Co.,Ltd Technical support :CNBEARING
        Contact Person: Mr.SANDY Tel: 0086-510-88156780 Mobile: 13915275522 Fax: 0086-510-88554695
        Email: sales@cnbearings.net  ICP :
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